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Travel Tips for Triathletes
One of my favorite things about endurance sports are the amazing places we get to go and the people we get to meet. Why go on vacation...
Mark Saroni
Feb 123 min read

Challenging But Fun
I've been thinking about WHY we do endurance sports. Is it because it's fun? Because it's hard? Because we want to be fit? Maybe some...
Mark Saroni
Dec 18, 20241 min read

Offseason Fitness: Use It and Lose It
Many people panic and try to get back to training quickly after a big race because they don't want to lose fitness, but losing fitness is an
Mark Saroni
Nov 13, 20242 min read

Navigating Training in the Off Season: Tips for Triathletes, Runners, and Cyclists
Navigating the "off season" (or transition season) can be challenging. Too much rest and you lose a lot of fitness. Too little rest and you
Amy Higginbotham
Oct 1, 20243 min read

Building Your Triathlon Performance Team: Part 1 - Family
As we look to building and maintaining that performance "TEAM" around us, the family has to come first. In talking about about sport...
Mark Saroni
Sep 17, 20243 min read

How to Bounce Back From a Bad Race
Let's face it: bad races happen. We all have them. They're certainly not fun and don't give us a warm fuzzy feeling, but bad races are part
Mark Saroni
Jul 1, 20246 min read

Why Progress is Not All About Your Time, Speed, or Power Numbers
In triathlon, swimming, cycling, running, or other endurance sports, it can be tempting to quickly compare your numbers to your peers or you
Mark Saroni
Jun 24, 20243 min read

Depth of Fitness: You Can't Cheat Time
"Depth" is a concept that's hard to quantify but extremely important if you want to be good in endurance sport.
Mark Saroni
Jun 17, 20243 min read

Unlocking Peak Performance for Female Athletes: Integrating Nutrition as the 2nd Discipline
Recovery days are not the days to cut back on nutrition. They are days you can optimize intake for recovery and rebuilding.
Krista Neugebauer
Jun 4, 20243 min read

Dealing with Adversity is Essential for Success
We can't plan for every negative thing that might happen, but we can think through how we will handle negativity and deal with adversity whe
Mark Saroni
Apr 30, 20242 min read

How much time should you spend training for triathlon?
There are two main variables we are working with that dictate how much an athlete can train: How much time available they have to train.
Mark Saroni
Mar 27, 20244 min read

The Real Shovel, Fueling Training, and Race Nutrition
Nutrition comes up frequently with athletes and we talk about it a lot as coaches. It makes sense, as you don't train very well (or live) if
Mark Saroni
Feb 15, 20243 min read

What No One Tells You When You Say You Want to Train for an IRONMAN®
There is a lot that goes into training for an IRONMAN® triathlon, the least of which is the training.
Amy Higginbotham
Jan 29, 20244 min read

How to Have the Best Relationship with your Triathlon Coach
In order to get the most out of yourself and your triathlon coach, high quality communication is extremely important. As coaches, we...
Mark Saroni
Jan 22, 20244 min read

From Your Triathlon Coach: Ownership Is Everything
Ownership is Everything. As a triathlon coach, we can't want something for an athlete more than they want it for themselves.
Mark Saroni
Jan 15, 20243 min read

The Ultimate 2023 Holiday Gift Guide for Triathletes
Triathletes love stuff - and I’m a triathlete. I find that people often want to know what kind of “stuff” I use daily. As a creature of habi
Mark Saroni
Dec 13, 20234 min read
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