Meet this month's Athlete Spotlight -- Sarah Lucero Calhoon! Not only is she our Athlete Spotlight, but we get to feature her on her birthday! 🥳 Sarah is a retired Newscaster, and she's been a fitness enthusiast for over 30 years! It's part of her lifestyle, and she's had to push through injuries, but she's stayed focused on sport and her well-being. This past October, Sarah competed at the IRONMAN World Championships in Kona, HI!
Age: 52 TODAY!!
Occupation: Retired Newscaster & Lifelong Learner
How long have you been swimming, cycling, running, and/or doing triathlons?
Cycling since about 2009, running marathons since 1993, triathlons since 2010. I swam a little in high school on the swim team, but before then I barely knew how to doggy paddle. It was a miracle the coach let me on the team (after a friend and I begged him.)
What aspects of training and/or racing do you enjoy most?
I love training. Endurance sports have always been my joy, stress reliever, euphoria provider and an outlet for anything that feels bad.
What has been your favorite training or racing event, and why?
I have loved training for IRONMAN® races. But I have several favorites. They are Cozumel 2021, IM Texas 2022, IM Texas 23 and IM Des Moines. They each represented reaching a new, stronger level of fitness. I either had minor injuries or the injuries didn’t keep me from improving as an athlete and becoming better at racing. I love feeling that sense of major improvement.
What is your favorite post-workout or race meal?
I love a giant hamburger and French fries.
What is one recent accomplishment you are proud of?
Reaching my goal of racing in and finishing the IRONMAN World Championship in Kona in 2023.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I will be a coach and university professor.
What is something no one knows about you?
I am a first generation American on my mom’s side and first in our family to finish college.
Why do you race/train?
I race and train because of how it makes me feel not for anyone else. There are so many emotions: powerful, strong, invincible, euphoric. Getting to the point where we feel that emotion is many times challenging because life gets in the way. That can be sickness, family/work obligations, burn out, procrastination or you just don’t feel like doing the workouts some days. But most of us training junkies know if you can get over those hurdles, coming out on the other side feels fantastic. I once had a much older male co-anchor (if you watched news in San Antonio over the last 25 years, you’ll know who I’m talking about) tell me he’s never known a co-anchor that was not on anti-depressants. I honestly feel that long distance running and training has been my natural drug or antidepressant and saved me from a life of avoidable ailments.