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Triathlon Trianing Plan Triathlon Coaching

Our Strength Foundation is designed to be a supplement to your regular workouts. Strength training is well known to help with injury prevention, increase speed, power, and lead to an overall healthier body. Maybe you're already following a different training plan or like doing your own thing for workouts. This Strength Foundation plan can be easily overlayed on top of your regular swim, bike, or run workouts. Whether you are a runner, triathlete, cyclist, or swimmer, having a PLAN when you go to the gym will help you train more efficiently.


STRENGTH = SPEED so what are you waiting for?


Plan Overview

  • For swimmers, cyclists, runners, or triathletes who want a specific strength plan to follow when they go to the gym.
  • The first 4 weeks of the plan introduce basic lifting exercises so that you can get into a routine and not be too sore for your other workouts.
  • On days where you're not at the gym, you'll be doing additional ancillary exercises, mobility, and hip strength. These routines are short, 5-15 minutes each so that you can easily fit them into a busy schedule.
  • Every 4th week is a recovery week.


Required Equipment

  • Stopwatch to keep track of time.
  • Foam roller and thera-band.
  • Access to Gym OR a basic at home set-up with kettlebells, dumbbells, & squat rack or trap bar.


Included Coach Support

  • Unlimited athlete-initiated email support.
  • Detailed workout instructions set to your specific training zones.

Strength Foundation

    • 1.5 - 2 Hours of strength training per week
    • 2 Gym days per week
    • 1 Ancillary exercise day per week
    • 2 Mobility and activation days per week
    • Every 4th week is a recovery week
    • 2 - 2.5 Hours of strength training per week
    • 2 Gym days per week
    • 2 Ancillary exercise day per week
    • 2 Mobility and activation days per week
    • Every 4th week is a recovery week
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