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Triathlon Trianing Plan Triathlon Coaching

Our advanced training plans are built with one thing in mind - helping athletes achieve their peak performance in sport and qualify for World Championship events. An athlete attempting this plan should already have 2 or more years in the sport and have completed one of our Foundation Training Plans, or be able to train a consistent 12-14 hours a week without getting injured or overtrained.


Plan Overview

  • Designed for the accomplished athlete who has been racing for 2+ years and wants to qualify for World Championship events
  • Increased emphasis on swimming so that the advanced age-grouper can come out of the water in the front or 2nd pack.
  • Athlete starting this plan will be riding 3-4 hours and running 90+ minutes every weekend from the beginning. 
  • Consistent strength training throughout the plan duration.
  • Must have a high ability to recovery from training.


The Ideal Athlete for this Plan Will:

  • Have been racing for multiple years and completed multiple half Iron races and at least 1 full
  • Already be finishing top 20 in age group and want to improve on that ranking
  • Have a work and family schedule that allows them to train 15-20 hours per week


Required Equipment

  • GPS smart watch
  • HR monitor
  • Swim paddles, pull buoy, & fins
  • Access to Gym or basic strength & mobility equipment (stretch cords, free weights)
  • *A Bike powermeter is recommended but not required


Included Coach Support

  • Unlimited athlete-initiated email support.
  • Detailed workout instructions set to your specific training zones.
  • Workout exports to Garmin, Zwift, or other platforms.
  • Mobility routines
  • Educational articles and mental training
  • Nutritional guidelines


Full Iron Distance - Advanced

Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 3 reviews
    • 12-20 hours of training per week
    • 4 swims, 3 bikes, 5 runs, & 2 strength training routines per week
    • No Off days except for every 4th week
    • Longest Swim: 4500 yards
    • Longest Bike: 6:30 Hours
    • Longest Run: 2:45 Hours


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
Based on 3 reviews
3 reviews

  • Chris LimongelliJun 14, 2021
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Really enjoyed the process

    The advanced plan I feel had a multitude of so many different aspects of triathlon and never made anything stale. (although some of the 6+ hr rides did get tough, including the 6:30 here in Phoenix in June is a tough session ending the day over 100 degrees.) I thought the progression in each skill was very good. I've seen improvement in all aspects of triathlon and looking forward to toeing the line at the end of the month to see what comes out of it. I will be honest, I didn't get 100% of the workouts in but I'm pretty close to 95% hitting the key sessions. 28 weeks is really tough to keep the mindset and look at a goal so far in the distance, but the plan keeps you guessing and really focuses on the things that matter.

    I'm not sure if it's how you guys stack the work outs or what (knock on wood), but I've never done multiple 17 hr + weeks (not to mention 4 in a row) and not get injured. Utilizing the slower endurance rides and shuffle jogs during the week really put recovery at the forefront. I really liked that and felt the benefits.

    It's close to taper mode with a few harder workouts in the next week or so, then really start resting the body for the IM day. (bump up some intensity and back off the duration....I like it!)

    I just want to thank you for answering my questions when I asked them, I really appreciate it since I know how busy you are.

    Was this helpful?
    Paragon Training
    May 25, 2024

    The hardest part for many is getting to the start line of an IRONMAN free of injury. We keep that at the forefront when building these plans, while also preparing the athletes to race at peak performance. Thank you for your review!

  • Angel MartinMay 05, 2023
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

    I am a seasoned athlete in the sport for more than 12 years and have done everything from 0 structure to self-coaching to 1:1 coaching. If you know your zones and can stay accountable without a 1:1 coach, I HIGHLY recommend this plan! It was a great balance of everything you need to have a successful race. I especially enjoyed the added durability from the core work and recovery sessions, which paid dividends in injury prevention. Also, the plan includes detailed explanations and articles that help frame how to approach the workouts and the process. Never once did I feel burned out or overtrained. On race day, I was prepared and excited, which translated to a 35-minute PR and a Kona spot. It's quite possible I will repeat the same plan for Kona!

    Was this helpful?
    Paragon Training
    May 25, 2024

    Wow, congrats on the big PR and a Kona Qualification!

  • Adam BlytheSep 20, 2023
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Great training program for new triathlete.

    Just completed my first 70.3 IM in Maple Valley Washington, thanks to the training plan I followed from Paragon. Being a new triathlete, I was looking for a challenging coaching program that would help me achieve my goal of completing my first 70.3 IM. I was so pleased with the results of my race thanks to the challenging training I got thru Paragon. I highly recommend it to anybody looking for a solid training plan they can follow to help them reach their goals in their next endurance race.

    Was this helpful?
    Paragon Training
    May 25, 2024

    Congrats on completing your first 70.3, and thanks for the review!

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